
What I'm listening to

Going through a serious Beck phase at the moment. I got the song "Girl" stuck in my head a few weeks ago, and was pleased to see it on my iPod on the last Triple J Hot 100 cds, but I needed more. Fortunately, I found both the album it's on, Guero, and a copy of Odelay at a discount sort of record store, so I ripped them and now have lots of Beck.

They always make me think of the Flash guy at work, because he has a Mexican girlfriend and speaks fluent Spanish.

And I'm just off to Google the lyrics to that Girl song to see what kind of the girl is - "summer"? "sunnin'"? "Southern?" "sun and"?


Blogger Ellen said...

Update - the actual cd sleeve says it's "My...girl". Seriously. Dot dot dot. One lyrics web site said "sun-eyed" and one said "cyanide". Hmmmm. "Cyanide" is probably right because although the song is lilting and catchy, the rest of the lyrics are quite dark.

Sat Oct 28, 02:40:00 am  

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