
Kids, don't try this at home

Just thought I'd mention that I went to the gym the other morning for the first time since my Ok Go obsession, and I was on the treadmill, and of course I was thinking about the treadmill video. Their machines much have been a bit smaller than the one I was on because I couldn't imaging jumping up and standing on the top. I thought about trying something small, and just as I was finishing I thought about trying that move where they walk two steps forward and then turn around and walk the other way - and couldn't even make the tiniest gesture toward doing it! Turning all the way around on a running treadmill is impossible! So I can't begin to fathom how they managed to do all the other things.

Ok Go are amazing, and I still think the video is the highest achievement ever made by human beings. Heck with the moon landing, try turning all the way around on a running treadmill!


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