
Happy birthday to my boss

Today we had cake and champagne in the office for my boss, whose birthday is tomorrow but he's going to be out of the office so we organised it for today. I organised it all, actually, sent emails around to all the staff and collected money and chose the cake and the champagne, ducked out and got it all at lunch today and set up the little plastic champagne flutes I had bought yesterday, and celebrated him and his birthday with the office. I had to do it all myself because our office manager and surrogate mother is taking four days off because her husband is travelling and she has two teenaged kids at home. And I'm the 2IC in the office now that the more senior project manager left. And he's had a tendency lately to hire shy, retiring, quiet folks who wouldn't be moved to do it all themselves. So it was down to me, and I did it, and it came off nicely - I think he was surprised, and I think he was pleased.

I love my boss. He drives me crazy, but he's also a genius, and beyond that, he understands me. He's very smart and funny, cynical but with a warm heart. When he gets stressy he starts doing everything too fast and he stutters and doesn't make any sense. Just like me! He's a Gemini, just like me (duh, if his birthday is tomorrow). He whirrs around in tight hummingbird circles and is a junky for stress and tight deadlines and doing a thousand things at once, just like me. And he understands me! He wasn't scared off my the PhD in Philosophy on my resume, he's actually attracted to things like that in an employee. He forgives my red eyes and croaky voice and sniffles and fuzzy hair in the morning when I haven't had enough coffee and I've walked to work through the humidity and plane tree pollen. And he forgives me when I get stressy and stutter and don't make any sense. And he tells me I have good ideas, and gives me things when they need some word-smithery, and he takes my suggestions, at least the good ones, as isn't alpha-male about it at all. He really isn't alpha-male to me at all, which is remarkable and wonderful. He has a great mother and an accomplished sister and so I think he's used to smart women and likes being around them. I appreciate that so much! He's my perfect boss, in some ways, even though he makes me crazy and we always have too much to do and he doesn't pay me enough. The first page of the Economics textbook says that the value of a job isn't calculated just on the basis of monetary remuneration - all the value of it to you goes under the curve there, and the fact that I can be myself and appreciated for it, and that he's a genius and funny and with a warm heart, and the greatness of the office and all the other people I work with, I love all of that and it all has value for me.

Happy birthday, boss.

And I'm glad you liked the cake.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good grief...is the guy single? Or would two Gemini's kill each other? Cece

Fri Jun 01, 07:44:00 am  
Blogger Ellen said...

Alas, no. He's not just married, he's married to a tall, blonde, rich, smart, gracious, lovely woman, and she's the mother of his two lovely, perfect little blond children, one boy and one girl, and they live in a big white house overlooking the nicest beach in Sydney. And also he's way too young for me.

Fri Jun 01, 09:54:00 pm  

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