mishap list
Horoscope today from the SMH Good Weekend:
"Bloody Mercury's gone on the blink again, so expect a month of frustrated endeavours and electrical mishaps."
Mishap list so far:
"Bloody Mercury's gone on the blink again, so expect a month of frustrated endeavours and electrical mishaps."
Mishap list so far:
- old fridge carked it (but of course that was weeks ago)
- DVD player is misbehaving (plays a disc for about a second, then says "Stop" and turns itself off)
- CD player started imitating DVD player (caught and skipped at minute 1:35, but then behaved itself when I cleaned and thoroughly dried the CD)
- dropped tv remote on the floor, the cover of the battery compartment came off and one battery popped slightly out, I put it back in but now the remote has forgotten the code for my tv and won't work. I have the code to reprogram it, but it's in the filing cabinet whose drawers I can't open because the bookcases are in front of it, because I had to move them to get the old fridge out and the new fridge in.
That will bring us back to - d'oh!
Hey there, Sister.
Be sure to move slowly and carefully all month! The world is crazy out there!
Did the new fridge show?
Still stuck in MCM. Day 16 and counting.
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