

I've been sick all week, but today I am better. I missed every second day of work - Monday, Wednesday, Friday, also Thursday morning. I missed our work Christmas function last night (much delayed, obviously, they decided to do it for Chinese New Year instead). I have cancelled everything this weekend to make sure I can focus on recuperation. But today I feel better!

It started with overall aches and a sore throat, then Tuesday started a belly instability, and that just got worse and worse until yesterday, when I made it half-way to work and then had to turn back because I was just in too much pain. Belly pain is weird because it can make you feel nervous, some sort of reverse-biofeedback I think. Yesterday I just slept all day like I was in a coma, having very vivid dreams. Last night same. And woke up this morning finally feeling not in pain, and with a bit of oomph and gumption so I can do things like laundry and stuff. Anything like that was beyond me all week, I couldn't stand upright long enough to get any of it done.

Since it was probably viral, it probably just passed its course, and the doctor even told me on Thursday that I'd probably be right by the weekend, but I credit my recovery to putting into practice my favorite gastro cure - bread and water. I should have done it earlier. For three days, eat nothing but bread in various forms - dry toast, rice or pasta with a bit of salt on it. Nothing else. It's very mild for the body to digest, and helps the system rest and heal. I did it yesterday - dry toast, then mega-coma-nap, then a bowl of rice for dinner. And now I feel better! I promise to return to four squares by Monday, I don't think I'll develop an eating disorder out of this. But it did seem to work...


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