
The Surest Way

I read an article last week containing a powerful meditation that is proving very helpful:

The Surest Way to Cure a Broken Heart

It's on the site Been-Dumped.com, which I spent many, many hours on back when I first had been-dumped, and which not only I but many other members owe their life to. I'm still on their newsletter and this article was linked in the last one.

The assumption of the article is that time heals all wounds, right?

So if you imagine yourself 20 years from now, you know you won't feel as bad about your ex then as you do now.

So what you do is you remember a heartbreak that happened to you 20 years ago, and reflect on how you feel about it now, and all the experiences and emotions you've had since then that had nothing to do with that person or that experience.

And then you imagine yourself 20 years from now looking back on memories of you ex and having those same feelings for him.

It seems to be working, not just for Pointy-Head, but for lots of things. I feel guilty because I need to go grocery shopping - in 20 years, how will I feel about not having grocery shopped tonight? My hair is too short - in 20 years, how will I feel about this haircut? I have smelly shoes - in 20 years, how will I feel about these shoes? I have to get five banners finished at work tomorrow - in 20 years, will I even remember those banners?

Powerful exercise of perspective. And you also get to enjoy fond and unpainful memories of happy times in the past!


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