
Movie quote

There's a quote from an otherwise forgettable, I thought, movie that comes back to me from time to time. It's from the movie The Aviator, and it's from a scene toward the end where Howard Hughes (Leonardo Di Caprio) has to get cleaned up for like a court appearance or something, and his then girlfriend, I forget, Lana Turner or somebody, played I think by that girl who's the star of Weeds (yes, I am too lazy to get on the IMDB in another browser window and look any of this up), anyway, she's helping him. His obsessive-compulsion is at its worst at this point. I think he's shaving. And the sink is full of shaving-creamy water and he has to rinse off his face and before he puts his hands in the sink he looks at the water very dubiously and says to her, "Does that look clean to you?"

And she says, "Nothin's clean, baby, but we do our best, don't we?"

I find these are good words to live by, oftentimes.


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