
Locked up in the attic of the tower of Babel

It's a familiar feeling, why? Realised - because I am the Japanese girl from Babel. I keep trying everything I can think of - smiling flirtatiously, staring a bit too long, making awkward passes at inappropriate men (he used the word "awkwardness" in an email...), everything. Walking back across the road from the grocery store just now I was looking into the dodgy pub on the corner and had a momentary fantasy of walking in, taking off all my clothes, and saying to the drunks and directless fellows inside, "Come on, boys? Who wantsa piece a this?" Just like the scene in Babel where she appears nude in front of the cop.

But I know what would happen. They would say "Eeew!" and recoil just like the inappropriate men in the movie did to the Japanese girl. Or some fatherly type - a barman? bouncer? cop? - would put his coat over me and walk me outside. Like her, I would collapse in desparate tears - still needing to get laid, still no closer to my goal, but closer to what I really need, which is just a little bit of kindness and a little bit of understanding. From a man, though. Gotta be from a man.


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