
but I don't WANNA go to bed!

Since I was born, from all reports, I've never wanted to go to sleep when it's time. Mom tells of putting me in my crib and coming back hours later to find me up and chattering away to all my stuffed animals. I have vivid recollections of tormenting babysitters who were standing at the door with their hand on the light switch, detaining them with an endless series of questions - "What's Jr Hi like? What time do you start your day? What class do you have first? What class do you have second?" etc. I have even more vivid recollections from high school years of my insomniac Mom, being up herself, noticing my light on, or even the light from the stereo which was on becasue I was listening to the radio, and coming in, getting my attention and getting me to take the headphones off, and yelling at me to go to sleep right now.

So, nothing has changed. Well, except the invention of the internet, and broadband. I find myself exactly here, night after night, checking the SMH homepage one last time, checking my Gmail, looking at the Ok Go homepage, reading some more posts on All Men Are Liars before he went on vacation, coming back to the SMH again. What am I looking for? I ask myself all the time, but I know. I'm looking for my love, I'm seeing if he has said good night, I'm waiting for my good night kiss before I go to bed.

I thought tonight I'd try saying good night to all of you instead, and see if that works. Good night! Sweet dreams! Sleep well! Love you!


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