
Happy New Year 2007

Happy New Year! It's Jan 1 here in Sydney, the start of a brand new year that I have a feeling is bound to be great - bound to at least be an improvement on last year, touch wood.

Here's a positive New Year's thought, something I've been doing during my first week off of work. To prioritise my to do lists and get myself motivated to do things, I've been thinking, "How can I be my best self?"

I sort of realised that usually when I have a list of possible things I could do and I'm trying to pick one or movitate myself to get going, I have traditionally assessed my overall happiness and entertainment state, and have asked myself questions more like, "Am I entertained enough? Pampered enough? What could I do to feel more entertained and pampered?" This is probably why my credit cards have looked like they do. But I've lately been trying to do more goal-oriented decision making - like at work, I think, what's my goal here? Goal is to be a solid employee and in a position where I could ask for a raise. So, what will get me there? How about not bursting into tears but just dealing with these emails? That kind of thing. This week the things I've been doing for my Best Self include going to the gym, eating sort of healthy, and doing my homework - reading philosophy books that people have given me that they want to discuss with me. My Best Self is a girl who does her homework on time. She is healthy and fit and ready for anything. And her dishes are done.

I've found this effective and rather inspiring, so I can recommend it as a strategy. I'm probably sounding horribly American and Anthony-Robbins-like, aren't I? In fact I think the strategy is the very essence of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. But anyway, it's January 1st, New Year's, and so it's in fitting with the theme of the day for this kind of talk.

Happy New Year.


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