
overcoming suffering

Buddhist monk at the end of the documentary Sexual Utopias (cheerfully):

"Everybody dies. Everybody dies. Everything in the world is in a permanent state of impermanence."

Is it true that if one truly and deeply embraces this, one can live without suffering?


And look what Salem Tarot said was in my "future":

Two of Pentacles
Juggling two situations at once with ease, the person in the Two of Pentacles personifies the choices we make every day. Like the ships on the rough seas behind him, he has experienced ups and downs in the endless tide of life, symbolized by the infinity sign in the pattern surrounding the pentacles. Every new choice made brings change, a new opportunity, and a fresh start. It is said that the only thing constant is change. You will triumph in this situation if you remain flexible and adapt, rather than resist.

quoted from Salem Tarot 3 card reading, www.salemtarot.com


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