
what I think love is, or at least what I want it to be

Had a conversation recently with a friend who has a bit of a 1970's, hippy sort of approach to sex. The next day I was thinking, if I don't have a hippy sexuality, what would an 80's, punk sexuality be? I think it's this - I think if the world is bleak, and fucked, and meaningless, and being ground down by corporate urban industrial society, and already there's nothing left for us because the hippies took it all and then ruined everything, and you can't even know for sure that anything is true or real, and can only approach the world with cynicism and an amused despair, then the kind of thing you want from a partner is to cling to them, to grab onto them and press your foreheads together and have your minds and intellect and passions become so close that you merge together into one mind. You cling together, in your alienation from the world, and merge as two sets of buzzing data, pure information, crystal ideas, white-hot thought. Right? That's what I want. I want to find someone and download his program and mine into the same computer and mix them so we're one mind. This seems to be a more punk sort of sexuality. A kind of Blade Runner version of love. Or maybe just something that Geminis are into.


Blogger Beth said...

Perfect. Perfectly described. And exactly what I think the punk love would be. I agree!

Sun Sept 02, 02:48:00 am  

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